Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Waiting for Spring Break

School is back in session. NB and I are back part-time. She's working on her MBA and I'm still working on my bachelors. I give NB so much credit for getting me back on track. She is an inspiration in my life, I'd still be waiting tables if it wasn't for her.

I also started therapy again. My stress level was getting unbearable and once in a while I feel the need to have someone tell me I'm sane. I'm very private about my feelings and it helps to have an outside person take a look. I'm a big believer in shrinks and part of the reason I got through my brother's death so well was going to one. The shrink is so down to earth and helped me coin the "not my problem" phrase which helps me not take on everyone else's crap. I'm a caretaker by nature and can get dumped on.

Today at work this random person asked me when NB and I were going to have children. I was totally taken back and I said "not for a little while." It's funny, whenever straight people ask about kids to me they always say "so when are you going to adopt?" I don't know if they just assume that's the only way lesbians can have children or they can't imagine insemination. Who knows? Either way it was kind of cool to have someone ask.


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