Sunday, January 28, 2007


Okay, I gave in and watched Rome with NB... It's a little violent for me but it's not bad. I wikipedia'd every character so now I know how they all meet their fate. That was stupid I realize now but I'm not big on surprises.

This weekend flew by. Friday at my Mom's and Saturday with NB's mom's. Actually, that was probably the most interesting part of the whole weekend.

NB's Mom, will call her Ada, still has a friend from when she was a little girl. "Doris" has been having an "Onion Party" the last 30 years. What's an onion party? Apparently, it's when Doris and her partner make onion soup and have all their friends over. Did you notice I said partner?

Yes, Ada lo' and behold has a lesbian friend. It's never been talked about but Doris and her partner have been together over 30 years. They are a cute older couple and it was nice to see an older lesbian couple in their 60's still together. We got the tour of the house, 2 cats, 2 alarm clocks.. You get the picture. If you knew NB's mom you would find this pretty funny because she's not really comfortable with the gay world. I realize it's a different generation but how do you not know your best friend is a lesbian?

Anyway, the poignant part of the night was when one of the older men there (gay, gay, gay) made a toast to those people who have passed away through the years. These people had been attendees at the onion party.

Sad, but bittersweet because he toasted them in remembrance and celebration. I have become so much more comfortable being around elderly people because of my Aunt. They do have something to teach us, I only wish they were more visible in the gay community.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


I took the morning off from my Aunt's. It feels so nice to not have to run out first thing and take care of her. It allowed me to go out on a Friday night and stay out late without worrying about getting up in the morning. Is this what it used to feel like to not have responsibilities?

NB and I saw some live music last night with our gay male couple friends. The one guy is a really good friend of mine and the other guy has been his boyfriend for about a year. I always liked the boyfriend but recently it has become clear that he's not the guy for my friend. I would never say anything because the last time I spoke up about something like this I wound up losing a friendship. So, I just hope that in time my friend realizes this guy is not the right fit and is walking all over him.

I setup certain goals for today but all I feel like doing is sleeping. We bought an elliptical that needs to be put together and I have homework I have to do. I also have regular work I need to catch up on. I'm getting tired just writing about it...okay, maybe just a short nap...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Waiting for Spring Break

School is back in session. NB and I are back part-time. She's working on her MBA and I'm still working on my bachelors. I give NB so much credit for getting me back on track. She is an inspiration in my life, I'd still be waiting tables if it wasn't for her.

I also started therapy again. My stress level was getting unbearable and once in a while I feel the need to have someone tell me I'm sane. I'm very private about my feelings and it helps to have an outside person take a look. I'm a big believer in shrinks and part of the reason I got through my brother's death so well was going to one. The shrink is so down to earth and helped me coin the "not my problem" phrase which helps me not take on everyone else's crap. I'm a caretaker by nature and can get dumped on.

Today at work this random person asked me when NB and I were going to have children. I was totally taken back and I said "not for a little while." It's funny, whenever straight people ask about kids to me they always say "so when are you going to adopt?" I don't know if they just assume that's the only way lesbians can have children or they can't imagine insemination. Who knows? Either way it was kind of cool to have someone ask.